Circle E Ranch Blog Page

deep in the heart of the great state of Texas

water water eveywhere

May 2, 2024

Water, water everywhere! We had such a thunderstorm that Pokey's stall flooded. Obviously, it doesn't bother him. At lease we don't have to worry about dry and cracking hooves. However, there is always the possibility of rot... There's never nothing to worry about on a farm.


Our blog (a web log or sort of online diary) is maintained by chief stall mucker, poop picker-upper and all around slave to the animals, Norma Epstein. I write it all myself (no Pulitzer or accolades necessary) and I take all the pictures with a Minolta digital camera. I take pictures and post to the blog whenever I find something interesting or have something interesting to say (and even sometimes when I don't).


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